How to Get a Federal Employer Identification Number


If your business closes, however, you can close the business with the IRS, and no other business will ever receive your EIN. An LLC that already has an EIN chooses to be taxed as a corporation or as an S corporation. A new LLC with more than one owner (Multi-member LLC) is formed under state law. Conversion at the state level with business structure remaining unchanged. The IRS will not require your corporation to obtain a new EIN if any of the following statements are true. A corporation receives a new charter from the secretary of state.


The inFinding Your Employers Employer Identification Numberation needed to successfully complete your registration is based on the type of business you operate. Register your business and submit any supporting documents online with e-Services for Business. You need a business credit card to effectively and quickly build business credit. An Employer Identification Number , is a unique nine-digit number issued by the Internal Revenue Service to identify your business. We show you how to do an EIN Lookup for your own business or other businesses.

Public Records Sources

Only the “authorized person” for your can obtain this information. The IRS will ask for your identification, and you must be able to prove your identity as a sole proprietor, a partner in a partnership, an LLC owner, or a corporate officer. If this is confusing to you, you can hire a online payroll service to help with processing and reporting payroll-related taxes.

  • There is no charge to do so, and you never know when you may decide that it’s time to hire an employee or when your business circumstances might change.
  • We have a conflict of interest, as affiliates pay a referral fee.
  • If you’re a small business owner, or are otherwise self-employed, chances are you’ve heard of an EIN or Employer Identification Number.

Banks that offer sole proprietors bank accounts and/or financing may allow an entrepreneur to open an account using their Social Security number or other Taxpayer Identification Number. All other business entities are required to obtain a federal employer identification number by filing Form SS-4 with the Internal Revenue Service. Although many entities use their FEINs to report their taxes and other financial information to the IRS and other government entities, it is public information.

Get an EIN

Companies that send you a W2, 1099 or similar tax forms will include their EIN on those documents. Companies that report to the Securities and Exchange Commission will generally include their EIN in those documents as well. SEC documents can be viewed on the Investor Relations section of a company website or directly at the SEC website. Before applying for an EIN, it is always preferred to check whether the affected organization has been formed legally or not. Almost all organizations that apply for EINs can have their tax-exempt status automatically revoked if they have failed to file a necessary return or notice for a period of three years consecutively.

You may also need a tax ID number in order to pay taxes to your state. Even states that have no income tax may have other taxes you’ll need to pay. Check with your state’s department of revenue for more information.

Business tax ID number lookup: Your 3 best options

Once this number is issued, it’s permanently used to identify the entity. If you are still not 100% clear on whether or not your particular entity is required to have an EIN, the IRS has a helpful questionnaire to further assist you. You or whoever helped you apply may have saved a copy of it for future reference. If you have a legitimate need to find the EIN for another business, then you can use one of these options to look up the number. Only share the number with a limited subset of people—lenders, prospective suppliers, bankers, etc. You should guard your business’s EIN just like you would guard your social security number.

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This is typically the month of December if you pay your taxes through the calendar year. As an example, you may be launching a new business or have restructured your existing business. You will also have to issue a 1099 to every independent contractor you paid at least $600 to during the tax year, and your FEIN will also be needed on that form.

A new LLC with one owner is formed under state law, and has an employment or excise tax filing requirement. Depending on the needs of your business, it could be in your best interest to file online. This could eliminate the wait between filing and submitting a loan application or anything else for which you need your EIN. If you have reviewed IRS guidelines for when you need an EIN and are still unsure, it’s wise to talk with an accounting professional to determine what is required of your business. Consultants at our Small Business Assistance Office can help you understand more about the basics of business taxation. And our network of Small Business Development Centers has experts located in nine main regional offices and several satellite centers statewide.

This is usually the contact person whose name is printed on the invoice. For a company, an EIN is similar to a social security number for an individual. As such, most companies keep their tax ID numbers private, so you probably won’t find it published on the company’s website. If you’re an employee of a company, look in box B on your W-2 statement. If you’re an independent contractor, you can find this number in the Payer’s Federal Identification Number box on Form 1099.

Tax-exempt, charitable, non-profit organizations, and EINs

The information contained in this communication is provided for general informational purposes only, and should not be construed as investment advice. Opinions and recommendations expressed herein are solely those of MYRA Advisors, unless otherwise specifically cited. You’ll only need your EIN when you conduct business with the government or financial institutions. Customers and vendors don’t need it, so avoid displaying it on your business license or on other certificates. Each business has a unique number called an employer identification number EIN that they use to file their taxes and conduct other business with the government. Just like your Social Security Number identifies you as an individual, an EIN identifies your business.

  • We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate.
  • Even states that have no income tax may have other taxes you’ll need to pay.
  • Use our research to quickly and easily find the right account for your business.
  • Find a previously filed tax return for your existing entity for which you have your lost or misplaced EIN.
  • When the number is used for identification rather than employment tax reporting, it is usually referred to as a Taxpayer Identification Number .
  • However, if you plan on opening a business bank account as another entity besides those that are taxed as individuals, an EIN is required more times than not.

NerdWallet strives to keep its information accurate and up to date. This information may be different than what you see when you visit a financial institution, service provider or specific product’s site. All financial products, shopping products and services are presented without warranty. When evaluating offers, please review the financial institution’s Terms and Conditions. If you find discrepancies with your credit score or information from your credit report, please contact TransUnion® directly. A previous version of this article misstated whether all business credit reports will show a company’s EIN.

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